Our Why

There is a reason why the United Nations created Sustainability Goal Number 5: Gender Equality.

A Harsh Reality


  • The number of missing females worldwide has risen from 61 million to 160 million from 1970 to 2010. The main reasons include infanticide, sex trafficking and gender based violence.
  • Almost two thirds of the world’s 775 million illiterate adults are women
  • 35% of women between 15-49 years have experienced physical and/or sexual violence
  • 1 in 3 girls have experienced female genital mutilation in 30 countries in Africa.
  • 750 million women and girls were married before the age of 18

In Australia, Aboriginal girls and women are facing violence and disadvantage to a life-threatening degree.

In addition, approximately 400,000 women over the age of 45 are at risk of homelessness in Australia today due to family and domestic violence or financial distress.

Even for women that have careers, safety and opportunity in Australia, there is still a 19% median gender pay gap between men and women. This systemic problem of inequality is no longer acceptable.

Forever Projects 2021 Recipients Story
Shooting Stars Seven Sisters Thank 100 Women
A message of thanks from the Cambodian Chidren's Fund

Why Women?

When more women work, economies grow.

A healthy, safe, educated woman can help change the world. And when a woman has a voice, a seat at the table and a team to lead, she is going to bring other women up with her. This is why 100 Women focus on empowering disadvantaged women and girls. We invest in charities that provide opportunity and wrap around support at a grassroots level.

It’s also important to apply a gender-lens when looking at impact giving.

“By supporting programs that deliberately address gender differences in their design, implementation and outcomes, you’ll be making sure that women and girls benefit from philanthropy” – Australians Investing in Women

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